This Week In React #199 : shadcn, Next.js, TanStack, Remix, MDX, Astro, Storybook, @svg-use, MSW, RAG, RN-WebGPU, React-Three-Fiber, Re.Pack...
Hi everyone!
Cyril and Matthieu from Theodo Apps (formerly BAM) here 👋, standing in for Seb to bring you the latest news from the React and React Native worlds.
This week, shadcn has released a new CLI, and we've noticed other nice things that are currently cooking, like support for the use()
hook in React Query.
The React Universe Conf starts tomorrow, we're expecting React Native announcements that we will discuss next week!
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[Live Workshop] Debugging Next.js w/ Examples
Join us on September 15th for a hands-on workshop with Dan Mindru, co-host of the Morning Maker show, where he'll share how he shaved 22.3 seconds off an API call using Sentry. You'll pick up practical tips on how to debug errors and performance issues using Sentry’s Tracing and Session Replay—RSVP to save your spot.
⚛️ React
It’s significantly more powerful and flexible:
shadcn add
can now install components, themes, hooks, utils, dependencies…It supports for multiple React frameworks (Next.js, Remix, Vite, Laravel)
It can update your tailwind config instead of overriding it
Components can be imported directly from urls
More details in 🐦 this twitter thread.
👀 TanStack Query PR - Add support for
: React Query plans to return a promise that you canuse()
, making it easier to integrate with Suspense in a performant way. It’s more convenient thanusePrefetchQuery
and more parallel thanuseSuspenseQuery
.👀 Remix Route Convention Evolution: The new
we evoked last week will allow you to skip filesystem-based routing, or simplify using the convention of your choice.🐦 Next.js 15 may be released soon without waiting for React 19 to be stable, and without requiring React 19 for the pages router. It will include major Turbopack improvements.
🐦 Render on Fetch vs Fetch on Render: Theo shares a graphical visualization of different React rendering patterns. An associated video is available to deep dive.
📜 Introducing @svg-use: Greatly explains how SVG-in-JS (notably SVGR in React) is convenient for theming and distribution, but is not ideal in terms of performance and duplication. The
<use href>
pattern is a good alternative but requires manual plumbing, so the author created a toolchain to automate it.📜 Build-time Components: Greatly illustrated article explains the benefits of React Server Components for MDX users looking to make their content interactive. Client components and build-time Remark/Rehype plugins have limitations, and RSCs offer the best of both.
📜 Using Server Functions and TanStack Query: TanStack Start is almost ready to use, and has a compelling data fetching approach, with “server fns” integrated with react-query and routing (for prefetching), fully typesafe of course.
📜 What the heck is atomic state management?: A refresher on how to use Jotai “the right way” and the benefits it brings.
📜 Component testing in Storybook: Storybook promotes component testing as a complement to end-to-end testing, offering speed and reliability with browser fidelity for better UI test coverage.
📜 The Complete Developer Guide to React 19: A 2-part series on what’s coming in React 19, including useTransition, useActionState, useOptimistic, use, Server Components, Server Actions, ref as a prop, Diffs for Hydration Errors, Improved error reporting, Context as a provider, useDeferredValue initial value & more.
📜 Easy RAG for TypeScript and React Apps: Build a RAG system in TypeScript and React by processing text documents, generating embeddings, and utilizing a vector database for semantic search to answer user queries.
📜 Higher Order Components (HOCs) in React: What They Are and How To Use Them
📜 Comprehensive React Testing: Handling API Calls with Mock Service Worker
📦 Midday V1 - Starter kit based on Next.js, Turborepo, Shadcn & more
📦 Bulletproof-React - scalable React architecture repo - now updated with Next.js examples
🎥 Lee Robinson - Build anything with v0 (3D games, interactive apps)
🎥 Jack Herrington - Using AI Structured Output with NextJS & React
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Run GitHub Actions up to 2x faster at half the cost
Blacksmith runs your GitHub Actions substantially faster by running them on modern gaming CPUs. Integrating Blacksmith is a one-line code change. 100+ companies like Ashby, GitBook, Superblocks, and Slope use Blacksmith to help developers merge code faster.
📱 React-Native
At the time we’re writing this, the React Native Core Contributor Summit is happening in Wrocław.
It will be followed by the React Universe conf on Thursday and Friday. A lot of exciting talks are planned, and you can follow along on Youtube. Some highlights: A new debugger, The New Architecture, Expo DOM Components, Static Hermes.
So we will probably have more React Native news for you next week!
💸 React Native Mastery - The only course you need to Master React Native & Expo
👀 Re.Pack is adding support for Rspack: The alternative, webpack-compatible bundler for React Native will probably see major speed gains with this change.
🐦 React Native IDE will integrate Storybook into IDE's preview mode
🐦 React Three Fiber running on react-native-webgpu: We’ve seen examples of Three.js running with react-native-webgpu. Aaron Grider from SpaceX is currently working on React Three Fiber support, bringing its declarative API to React Native land.
📜 Create and run fast end-to-end tests using Moropo and Expo: with Maestro
📜 How to Develop a Super App with React Native?: Use of a custom native module for communication between mini-apps differs from the Repack approach, which leverages Webpack to generate modular and independent JavaScript bundles for each mini-app.
📖 Expo documentation update: Local First Architecture, DOM Components, Native project upgrade helper for SDK 51.
📖 Expo Application Services (EAS) Pricing: EAS Update and Build concurrencies get cheaper as of September 1st.
🎥 Minute React Native - React Native WebGPU Explained in under 2 Minutes
🔀 Other
📜 Inside ECMAScript: JavaScript Standard Gets an Extra Stage
📜 The web's clipboard, and how it stores data of different types
📦 Effect 3.7 - With HttpApi, a declarative way to define api endpoints
📦 Node 22.8 - module.enableCompileCache(), vm.createContext() with freezable globalThis, coverage thresholds
📦 Sherif 1.0 - Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos
🤭 Fun
See ya! 👋